Sunday, May 6, 2012

SteriPEN: Montezuma Has Had His Last Revenge

So much of our upcoming adventure is going to revolve around water. We are going to write about how communities attain their water; however, the beauty of our mobile education is that we are going to have to source water alongside these very communities.  As you all know, riding a bike sometimes makes you thirsty.  Because of this, I think that our work is going to be a very intimate experience--searching for clean water as we move throughout the different curvatures and cultures of the earth.

Most everyone, after hearing about what we are doing, is excited, but also a little scared for us. And most say, "You know, you're going to get sick," period. And yes, we will, despite all of the preventative vaccines, there will come a point where we will feel deep down under the weather.

So how shall we prepare for purifying water in the boonies of South East Asia?

This all brings me to our next point, our personal water purification system. We have been the lucky receivers of a Steripen sponsorship. Steripen is a a battery operated hand held UV sterilizer.  The pen uses the same UV that gives you cancer to disable those pesky bacterium that might result in rapid and frequent liquid expulsion.

Some people have made comment that once the batteries are dead, you're dead.  This point has been considered and we will be able to charge additional batteries on the road through the use of a dynamo front hub.  There will be more details on this power system in a later post.

Operation of the Steripen is simple: first unsheathe, then press the button twice to treat half a liter or once for a full liter.  When the ready light flashes green the unit is submerged in water and the light comes on.

A visible blue light indicates that treatment is taking place.  Simply swirl in the contaminated water until the light terminates.

Once treated, drink and enjoy, knowing that the water will stay down, ensuring proper hydration.

For our type of travel the real benefit of the Steripen over a traditional water filtration setup is the ability to quickly and discretely disinfect any suspect water no matter where we are.  We will no longer live by the montra of "Don't drink the water."  Thanks, Steripen.

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